The green deeds of Hiidensalmi originated from the choices of the fair builders

News 2021-12-14 at 12:15

The carbon footprints and carbon handprints of the houses in Hiidensalmi are currently being calculated using the Ministry of the Environment’s updated low-carbon assessment method. The life cycle review makes visible how the many choices made by the builder affect the carbon footprint of the entire life cycle of the house.

“Our goal is to spread awareness of the life-cycle analysis of the climate emissions of buildings and to illustrate the significance of the decisions of the builder for the climate," says Project Manager of the Canemure project Jenna Kotilehto from the City of Lohja.

The carbon footprint and carbon handprint calculations in Hiidensalmi are carried out by Granlund Oy in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment.

“Highlighting the carbon footprint to the visitors of the Housing Fair creates an opportunity to reflect on the importance of choices both in construction and during housing. We hope that the information will encourage people to make green choices and companies to bring climate-friendly and environmentally sustainable construction products to the market,” Jenna Kotilehto says.

Decisions affecting the carbon footprint and carbon handprint already at the beginning of the construction project

In terms of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire life cycle of a house, it is essential to include the climate perspective in the design of the new house as early as possible.

“For example, a low-emission heating system and the utilisation of solar energy should be taken as a starting point already in planning,” says Jarmo Linjama, Development Engineer at The Finnish Environment Institute.

“Solar energy is an excellent aid to heating and source of domestic hot water. With the combination of solar power and a heat pump, you can cool your house in the summer free of charge and without emissions. In addition, electric cars can be charged with solar power, which supports low-emission mobility,” says Jarmo Linjama.

Canemure project brought the climate perspective to Hiidensalmi

The carbon footprint and carbon handprint calculations in Hiidensalmi are carried out as part of the national Canemure climate project which receives EU Life funding and in which the City of Lohja is involved with its own Hiidensalmi sub-project.

“By providing building instructions and commenting on the plans, we have guided builders from the beginning to take the climate perspective into account in a comprehensive way to reduce emissions from construction, housing and mobility,” says Mirka Härkönen, Project Manager at Lohja Housing Fair.

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More information

  • Climate perspective for the 2021 Lohja Housing Fair: Project Manager Jenna Kotilehto, Canemure project, City of Lohja,, tel. +358 44 369 4488
  • Carbon footprint and carbon handprint calculation in Hiidensalmi: Head of Carbon Neutrality Tytti Bruce-Hyrkäs, Granlund Oy,, tel. +358 500 655 020
  • Low-carbon construction: Development Engineer Jarmo Linjama, Finnish Environment Institute,, tel. +358 295 251 38

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