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Lappeenranta and South Karelia seeking to become role models in climate work

The Canemure project is part of the long-term climate strategy of the South Karelia region and the City of Lappeenranta as well as their goal of becoming role models in climate-wise operations.

Building a lush, green city in Turku

The City of Turku aims to be carbon neutral by 2029. The Blue-Green Factor is one of the many measures used in the city’s award-winning climate work to assess the climate sustainability of yard areas....

Rauma companies see their consumption in real time – one third of emissions eliminated

Rauman Meriteollisuuskiinteistöt analyses the electricity, district heating and water consumption of its tenants. Knowing the consumption of the real estate helps discover savings.

Carbon footprint reveals the environmental load of procurement

In procurement, the use of a carbon footprint seems like a good idea: a numerical value to identify climate impact and guide procurement alongside costs. But how viable is the carbon footprint as part...

New study: The Hinku network has a positive impact on municipal climate work

Joining the Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Hinku) network has lowered the climate emissions of municipalities. The majority of Hinku municipalities also feel that joining the network has impro...

Discovering sustainable transport options with KULKURI calculator

With the KULKURI calculator developed by the Finnish Environment Institute, anyone can easily calculate the costs of transport without owning a car. The tool also calculates climate emissions produced...

Climate emissions of municipalities increased by less than one per cent during 2018

According to a recent calculation by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), municipal climate emissions increased by 0.6 per cent in 2018 compared to the previous year. On average, emissions from t...

Finland has launched world’s first nationwide emissions assessment including all municipalities – and the results are pointing to the right direction

The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) has launched a novel calculation system bringing together all the greenhouse gas emissions from different cities, municipalities and regions around the country...

Environmental footprint method to support the assessment of climate impacts of public procurements

The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) method developed by European Commission is used to assess the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycles. A new study by the Finnish Enviro...

Housing companies join forces for energy renovations

The Myllypuro district in Helsinki is home to an experiment to determine whether energy renovations and extension projects can be sped up by closer cooperation between housing companies.

Lappeenranta focuses on green action – households reduced their carbon footprint during a trial of sustainable everyday life

The City of Lappeenranta has launched Greenreality home activities, which encourage households to move towards a more sustainable lifestyle. The activities are based on smart resource use and carbon n...

City residents test mobility emissions trading in Lahti

As the first city in the world, Lahti began offering its residents the chance to test a personal mobility emissions trading scheme in autumn 2019. Emissions trading took place through a mobile applica...

New decade starts with five new Hinku municipalities

The Hinku network now includes over 70 Hinku municipalities and four Hinku regions, all of which are committed to reducing their emissions by 80 per cent from the 2007 levels by 2030. Five new municip...

A new emissions calculation system for Finnish municipalities – clarifying the overall picture

A calculation system for greenhouse gas emissions covering all Finnish municipalities was finally released in early February, as were the data on municipal emissions for 2005–2017 generated by the sys...

New emissions calculation system for all Finnish municipalities – an average emissions reduction of 15 per cent since 2005

Climate emissions have decreased in nearly all Finnish municipalities since 2005. The average decrease is 15 per cent. The reduction in municipal emissions has been driven by the decline in electricit...

Climate actions took off in 2019

Aiming towards carbon neutral municipalities and regions in the Canemure project took of in the year 2019. Seven regions, 14 sub-projects and national expert platform will implement climate action ye...

The Hiiden Opisto institute is the emission reducer of the month

The Hiiden Opisto institute was granted the Hinku act award this October. The institute chose Hinku activities as one of the themes for the 2019–2020 academic year. The institute promotes awareness of...

Folding bicycle makes commuting easier

The Canemure subproject of the Tampere City Region pilots sustainable travel chains. The first pilot to be launched was the trial of folding and electric bikes in Orivesi in September.

Helsinki to decrease climate emissions through acquisitions

The City of Helsinki was the first city in Finland and a global pioneer to examine the carbon footprint of its acquisitions. Construction and the related energy costs cover the largest part of the env...

Building a sustainable city

The Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Finnish Environment Institute aim to develop instructions for sustainable regional and urban planning, taking into consideration the mitigation of climate ...


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