Climate work of municipalities and regions boosted significantly by the Canemure project

News 2025-01-21 at 12:24

The six-year Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions (Canemure) project significantly advanced regional climate work and brought together experts from municipalities and regions, research institutions, and companies to develop solutions to mitigate climate change through concrete means. The key results of the project have now been compiled into a layman’s report.

The project promoted practical climate actions such as smart and low-carbon mobility, increased decentralised renewable energy production, improved building energy efficiency, and supported processes that create sustainable urban structures and conditions for low-carbon production and consumption. Effective greenhouse gas emission reduction methods were also promoted in agriculture and forestry, particularly to mitigate emissions from peatland forests and peatland fields.

The Finnish Environment Institute developed emission data services and indicator monitoring for all Finnish municipalities and regions, making the monitoring of climate work consistent and comparable in accordance with international guidelines.

The scenario tool developed in the project helps municipalities and regions plan the most cost-effective solutions for reducing emissions and provides a good basis for climate planning.

Numerous calculators were also created in the project to facilitate climate actions by municipalities and residents.

Municipal climate work was particularly advanced through the Hinku network. During the project, 57 new municipalities and five regions joined the network.

Climate change mitigation roadmaps were drawn up in seven regions, and new research and development projects were accelerated through extensive stakeholder cooperation. Municipalities, companies, and decision-makers were also supported in their own climate work.

The information produced and the numerous new tools and services created in the project benefit the whole of Finland and support the implementation of the Climate and Energy Strategy and the Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan (KAISU) even after the project has ended.

Read the report

Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions - Main results of the LIFE IP Canemure-Finland (

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